personal blogs suck. I am WAAAY too lazy to even sign on to blogspot even though I'm on the computer 24/7. my 11-year-old brother recently tried to add me on facebook. oh what?! he's 11 and has a facebook? and he's trying to add me? wait. when did he turn 11?!!! I must admit, I did get a myspace in 7th grade...but I was 13! and I wasn't even allowed to have one so I never went on. but suffice to say, I did decline that friend request because who knows if my brother will see how I speak or try to add all my friends who use cuss words in their vocabulary every 2 words, although I wouldn't doubt that his friends do either. but still! this is getting too personal now...
I love the weather. I MUST post pictures soon.
to all who will never read this,